vaf | and fans []


Offline MineAmI

  • vaf | (In) Thin Air
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Antwort #45 am: 30. Juni 2006 um 22:58
* * * * * * * * *

Offline CarlosHarald

  • vaf | Off He Goes
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  • vaf-Tipp-Europameister 04 vaf-Tipp-Weltmeister 06
Antwort #46 am: 30. Juni 2006 um 23:33
Nine Friends: *********

Offline Hari25

  • vaf | Yellow Ledbetter
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Antwort #47 am: 02. Juli 2006 um 18:06
Ein Text von mir, den ich für einen verstorbenen Freund geschrieben hab.
Er passt auch hier gut hin, denk ich:


Lay down,
hold your picture in my hand.
Close my eyes,
I here your voice in my head.

And I hope, and I hope
you feel good

Life´s not fair.
You loved, you cried
You laught, you tried
always, always to make us happier

And we hope, and we hope
you feel good

Love is stronger than pain
Love will never be the same

Love is stronger than pain
Love will never be the same

And we hope you feel good
and we hope you feel good
where you are now

18.6.00 Salzburg - 25.9.06 Wien -
16.6.07 Nova Rock - 30.6.10 Berlin -
26.6.12 Amsterdam, 30.6.12 Arras, 04.07.12 Berlin
20.6.14 Mailand, 22.6.14 Triest, 25.6.14 Wien
24.6.17 Firenze (EV)
24.6.18 Padova, 26.6.18 Rome
05.7.22 Kopenhagen, 12.7.22 Budapest, 20.7.22 Wien

Offline chewbacca

  • vaf | Immortality
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Antwort #48 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 12:00
seven years ago today. r.i.p.

just because I lost it doesn't mean I want it back


  • Gast
Antwort #49 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 12:09


Offline moesman

  • vaf | (in)Habit(ant)
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  • lailailailailailaifuckinglaiailailaila
Antwort #50 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 12:19


  • Gast
Antwort #51 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 12:44

Offline Stone_Free

  • vaf | Soon Forget
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Antwort #52 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 13:58
RIP * * * * * * * * *
....i want to show you something, like joy inside my heart,
 seems I been living in the temple of the dog.....

...words and music - my only tools

Offline Schlaubischlumpf

  • vaf | Off He Goes
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  • Siegerin Kicktipp und DFB Pokal 13, Bundesliga 18
Antwort #53 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 14:12
Immer wieder ergreifend....

********* R.I.P


2006: Berlin
2007: München-London-Düsseldorf
2009: London-Berlin
2010: Dublin-Belfast-Berlin
2012: 2 x Amsterdam 2 x Berlin
2014: 2 x Amsterdam-Wien-Berlin
2018: Prag-Krakau-Berlin
2022: Berlin-Frankfurt-Budapest-Krakau-(Wien-Prag)
2024: 2 x Berlin

Offline ApfelGeld

  • vaf | 1/2 Full
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  • שלום ישראל
Antwort #54 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 14:22
Gerade im Rahmen der Kopenhagen-Performance '07 ein besonderer Jahres-Trauertag. Rock'N'Roll will never die.  :'(

Never forget.


* Henrik Bondebjer
* Carl-Johan Gustafsson
* Anthony Hurley
* Frank Nouwens
* Marco Peschel
* Jakob Svensson
* Allan Tonnesen
* Frederik Touresson
* (Name unbekannt)

Rest In Peace.

Offline s a r a h™

  • vaf | Given To Fly
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Antwort #55 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 15:23
* * * * * * * * *

2006: Bern, Berlin
2007: London, Düsseldorf, Hurricane
2010: Berlin
2012: Amsterdam 2
2020: Zürich

Offline Alone

  • vaf | Sometimes
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  • thereaintgonnabeanymiddleanymore
Antwort #56 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 19:03
* * * * * * * * *

it's hard to imagine, it's hard to imagine...
things were different then, all is different now
i tried to explain, somehow...

immer wieder traurig wenn man drüber nachdenkt...

Ruht in Frieden!
I  know  someday  you'll  have  a  beautiful  life , I know  you'll  be  a  star
in  somebody  else's  sky , but  why
why , why  can't  it  be , why  can't  it  be  mine

Offline springtime

  • vaf | (in)Habit(ant)
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  • it's (with) my blood
Antwort #57 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 22:53
 :'(  R.I.P.   :'(

...i wish you was the verb to trust and never let me down...

really hard to imagine´2012:-))) :
manchester-manchester-amsterdam-amsterdam-prag-berlin-berlin-stockholm-oslo-copenhagen-below the göltzschtalbridge

Offline Brockenhexchen

  • vaf | (In) Thin Air
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  • I Am Mine
Antwort #58 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 23:17
* * * * * * * * *

We'll never forget!!!

Offline MonsterInTheParasol

  • vaf | Yellow Ledbetter
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Antwort #59 am: 30. Juni 2007 um 23:28

2006: Bern
2007: München, Southside
2009: Berlin
2010: Berlin
2011: Mexico City
2014: Mailand