Aso und wenn wir schon bei Black sind....
Wie heißt das jetzt eigentlich genau:
"Her legs spread out before me, as her body once did..."
"They spread out before me..."
Ich halte das zweite zwar für einiges realistischer trotzdem finden sich überhäufig viele Texte im Internet, die den ersten Text widergeben....
Tja man sollte nur über einen Song diskutieren, wenn man auch den Text kennt. Deswegen ist es gut, wenn du fragst, wie denn nun die Zeile lautet. Ich habe mir gedacht, dass es albern wäre, wenn ich nur eine Zeile sende, also sende ich einfach noch den restlichen Text dazu. Also bitteschön:
sheets of empty canvas , untouched sheets of clay
were laid spread out before me as her body once did
all five horizons revolved around her souls
as the earth to the sun
now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
and all I taught her was everything
I know she gave me all that she wore
and now my bitter hands shake beneath the clouds
of what was everything ?
all the pictures had all been washed in black , tattooed everything . . .
I take walk outside , I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can fell their laughter , so why do I sear
and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning , oh I'm spinning
how quick the sun can , drop away
and now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
of what was everything ?
all the pictures had all been washed in black , tattooed everything . . .
all the love gone bad , turned my world to black
tattooed all I see , all that I am , all I'll ever be . . .
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life , I know you'll be a star
in somebody else's sky , but why
why , why can't it be , why can't it be mine ?
[Dateianhang durch Admin gelöscht - Zeitablauf]