den folgenden beitrag habe ich im offiziellen forum gepostet und poste ihn auch hier in englisch, weil ich keine lust habe, ihn zu übersetzen und aber auch euren möglichen englisch-kenntnissen vertraue

ich habe ihn hier gepostet, der bitte folgend, alles zum Berlin-Konzert in diesem thread zu besprechen, möchte aber meinerseits darum bitten, dass die mods einem extra-thread vielleicht zustimmen bzw. diesen gerne auch selbst einrichten und den beitrag sofort verschieben oder dann, wenn die erwartete fülle an antworten/meinungen diese entscheidung rechtfertigt, damit alles schön geordnet ist ^^
hey there!
dunno, if this topic's been posted already here at the forum...if so, let me know please.
on the date of the Berlin show this year - June 30th - the Roskilde tragedy happened 10 years ago. I guess that the guys will be playing Love Boat Captain and maybe say a few words about it. I thought about contributing something to the memory of the death of the 9 festival guests from 2000. my first idea was pretty simple: an ocean of sparklers (within the intro of LBC, if they play it) - I called the security of the venue a few minutes ago and they do not allow the use of sparklers, so IF a great number of people considers to join in on the "light idea" OR A DIFFERENT IDEA we can organize buying chemlights or anything similar or something completely different (a banner, letters/signs of the names of the dead...etc. ...).
I'd use this thread as an opportunity for exchanging ideas and focus on one at the end ... at least 2 weeks before the show, so we can spread the word and organize stuff (like one person buying 5 chemlights (if "we" choose that idea - or a fund, where one or two buy a bunch and maybe then a lot cheaper...) and give them away to other people, etc.)
maybe the guys won't play LBC, but maybe this thread could be something where we can ask them for, if a great number of people expresses the same wish. IMO we should choose an idea that could work without the song.
so far.
there is just one word that I still believe in.