Night 2:
Band Onstage: 9:15
Band Offstage: 11:19
Walk on music: On My Way-(from the album Earthling)
01. Drive-(Buck, Berry, Mills, Stipe)
02. Here Comes The Sun-(Harrison)
{Ed speaks passionately about the passing of Mark Lanegan}
03. Tender Mercies-(Vedder, Hansen)-(from the film sound track Flag Day) {Ed and Glen Duet}
04. In The Dark-(from the album Earthling)
05. Invincible-(from the album Earthling)
06. Long Way-(from the album Earthling) w/ Harper Vedder bg vocals
07. The Haves--(from the album Earthling)
08. Brother The Cloud-(from the album Earthling)
09. Fallout Today-(from the album Earthling)
{“This is for my friend, just a little of it”)
10. In My Tree-(Ed plays about 1:30 of In My Tree. Starts off by himself on electric guitar. Chad and others slowly come in but it never becomes a full blown version of the song)
11. Wishlist
12. My Father’s Daughter(Vedder, Hansard)-(from the film sound track Flag Day) Olivia Vedder lead vocal
13. Try-(from the album Earthling) Olivia counts the song in.
14. Chad-O
(Rose is timed to start at 22:22 on 02/22/22 measured by 24 hour clock)
15. Rose Of Jericho-(from the album Earthling)
16. I Got ID/Cinnamon Girl-(Young) Cinnamon Girl is the chorus only. (Lasts 38 seconds)
17. Lukin
{Ed talks about doing good works and the homeless problem and not giving up}
18. Give Blood-(Townshend)
19. Porch
Encore Break
20. Better Man/People Have The Power-(Smith, Smith) (People/Power tag 1:38)
21. Isn’t It A Pity-(Harrison)
22. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young) w/ Olivia and Harper Vedder (At one point in the song Chad plays guitar and Josh K plays drums)