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27.02.22 - The Magnolia, San Diego, CA (USA) (ursprünglich: 15.02.22)

Offline binaural2002

  • Moderator
  • vaf | 1/2 Full
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 1.850
Main Set: Society (Jerry Hannan cover)/ Working Class Hero, Drive (R.E.M. cover), Room At The Top (Tom Petty cover), I’ll Be Waiting (Eddie Vedder & Glen Hansard), Timeless Melody (The La´ s cover), Invincible, The Dark, Long Way, Brother The Cloud, The Haves, Wishlist, Good And Evil, Fallout Today, Try, Chad-O (Chad Smith drum solo), Mrs. Mills, I Got ID/ Cinnamon Girl, Lukin, Porch
Encore: The Waiting (Tom Petty cover), Give Blood (Pete Townshend cover), Dirty Frank, Isn’t It A Pity (George Harrison cover), Rocking In The Free World (Neil Young cover) (mit Anthony LoGerfo (Promise Of The Real))

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« Letzte Änderung: 28. Februar 2022 um 09:24 von binaural2002 »
PJ - 11/306/121 - 96 Zürich - 00 RaR - 07 München - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zürich - (24 Berlin 1)
EV - 1/27/27 - 19 Düsseldorf

Offline binaural2002

  • Moderator
  • vaf | 1/2 Full
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 1.850
PJ - 11/306/121 - 96 Zürich - 00 RaR - 07 München - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zürich - (24 Berlin 1)
EV - 1/27/27 - 19 Düsseldorf

Offline binaural2002

  • Moderator
  • vaf | 1/2 Full
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 1.850
Band Onstage: 09:07
Band Offstage: 11:36
Walk on music: On My Way-(from the album Earthling)

01. Society-(Hannan) w/ Glen Hansard/Working Class Hero-(Lennon) {Ed sings the lyrics for a couple of lines then he and Glen improv some lyrics. lasts 56 seconds}
02. Drive-(Buck, Berry, Mills, Stipe)
03. Room At The Top-(Petty)
04. I’ll Be Waiting-(Vedder, Hansard)- (from the film sound track Flag Day) {Ed & Glen lead vocals}
05. Timeless Melody-(L.A. Mavers)
06. Invincible-(from the album Earthling)
07. The Dark-(from the album Earthling)
08. Long Way-(from the album Earthling
09. Brother The Cloud-(from the album Earthling)
10. The Haves-(from the album Earthling)
11. Wishlist
{Ed gets a phone from a person who had been taking pictures earlier.  He deletes a photo from her phone}
12. Good And Evil—(from the album Earthling) {live debut)
13. Fallout Today-(from the album Earthling)
{Ed introduces some of the people that worked on the album that are here tonight and brings onstage longtime monitor engineer Karrie Keyes (rhymes with eyes)}
14. Try-(from the album Earthling)
15. Chad-O
16. Mrs. Mills-(from the album Earthling)
17. I Got ID/Cinnamon Girl-(Young) (two lines. 38 seconds)
18. Lukin
19. Porch

Encore Break

20. The Waiting-(Petty)
21. Give Blood-(Townshend)
22. Dirty Frank
23. Isn’t It A Pity-(Harrison)
24. Rocking In The Free World-(Young)  w/ Anthony LoGerfo (Promise Of The Real) playing drums, Chad Smith plays guitar.
PJ - 11/306/121 - 96 Zürich - 00 RaR - 07 München - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zürich - (24 Berlin 1)
EV - 1/27/27 - 19 Düsseldorf