vaf | and fans []

16.05.22 - Save Mart Arena, Fresno, CA (USA)

Offline binaural2002

  • Moderator
  • vaf | 1/2 Full
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 1.851
am: 15. März 2022 um 09:30
Main Set: Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Given To Fly, Do The Evolution, Corduroy, Wishlist, Daughter, Don’t Gimme No Lip, Once, Why Go, Even Flow, Garden, Black, Eruption (Van Halen cover), Animal, Quick Escape, Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young cover), Purple Rain (Prince cover), Porch
Encore: Jeremy, Deep, State Of Love And Trust, Alive, Baba O’Riley (The Who cover), Yellow Ledbetter

Vorgruppe: Pluralone

Statistik zur Tour 2022 als Google Drive-Dokument >>> Klick hier <<<
« Letzte Änderung: 20. Mai 2022 um 07:59 von binaural2002 »
PJ - 11/306/121 - 96 Zürich - 00 RaR - 07 München - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zürich - (24 Berlin 1)
EV - 1/27/27 - 19 Düsseldorf

Offline Hari25

  • vaf | Yellow Ledbetter
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 984
    • Geschlecht:Männlich
Antwort #1 am: 17. Mai 2022 um 07:17
Heute 6 Ten-Songs (Once, Why Go, Even Flow, Garden, Black, Porch) mit Dave Krusen im Set  :o

EDIT: Und dann auch noch Jeremy, Deep, SOLAT und Alive im Zugabenteil.
« Letzte Änderung: 17. Mai 2022 um 08:17 von Hari25 »
18.6.00 Salzburg - 25.9.06 Wien -
16.6.07 Nova Rock - 30.6.10 Berlin -
26.6.12 Amsterdam, 30.6.12 Arras, 04.07.12 Berlin
20.6.14 Mailand, 22.6.14 Triest, 25.6.14 Wien
24.6.17 Firenze (EV)
24.6.18 Padova, 26.6.18 Rome
05.7.22 Kopenhagen, 12.7.22 Budapest, 20.7.22 Wien

Offline Evenflow

  • vaf | Olympic Platinum
  • ***********
    • Beiträge: 8.071
    • Geschlecht:Männlich
  • Holy shit!!!!!! :-O
Antwort #2 am: 17. Mai 2022 um 10:07
Also diese Setlist ist für mich ein absoluter Traum.  :o
11/12+13/14  VAF-Kicktipp Sieger

2006 - Berlin
2007 - Düsseldorf
2009 - Rotterdam, Berlin
2010 - Nijmegen, Berlin
2012 - Prag, Berlin 1, Stockholm
2014 - Mailand, Triest, Berlin
2018 - London 1, Prag, Berlin, London 2
2022 - Berlin, Frankfurt, (Prag, AMS1😢), Amsterdam 2

Offline binaural2002

  • Moderator
  • vaf | 1/2 Full
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 1.851
Antwort #3 am: 17. Mai 2022 um 12:13
No Ed pre set

Josh Klinghoffer on stage 7:30
plays first song with Jeff Ament
Stone Gossard comes out and plays Buttercup-(Smith, Gossard, Hagar, Toback

guest drummers Dave Krusen,  Richard Stuverud and touring member Josh Klinghoffer trade off playing drums
Band Onstage 8:47
Band Offstage 10:59

Josh Klinghoffer-drums
01. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
02. Given To Fly
{Ed stops the next song from start to explain that he isn’t feeling well.  He hasn’t felt this bad since he had to miss a show and Neil Young performed instead.  He apologizes to the audience but he says he is going to continue but could use the audience’s help and that there are five other incredible musicians on stage}
03. Do The Evolution
04. Corduroy
05. Wishlist
06. Daughter
07. Don’t Gimme No Lip (Stone Gossard lead vocal)

Dave Krusen-drums
08.  Once
09.  Why Go
10. Even Flow
11. Garden
12. Black

{Ed asks if Mike has any drummer change music and boy does he ever}
Richard Stuverud -drums
13. Eruption-(Van Halen)
14. Animal
15. Quick Escape
{Ed mentions the mass shooting in Buffalo and sees some pro-choice signs in the audience.  He suggests that maybe those professing to pro-life could work on doing something about guns}
16. Throw Your Hatred Down-(Young)
17.  Purple Rain-(Ed sings first verse, Josh Klinghoffer sings the rest)-(Prince)

{Ed has thoughts on how Prince’s estate might be responsible for paying for the raising of children.  He ultimately suggests a plan straight out of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata if abortions are outlawed.  The idea that a woman doesn’t have control of her body is an idea he finds repugnant.}

Dave Krusen-drums
18. Porch

Encore Break
{Ed professes his love for Fresno.  Well, actually it is Lemoore that he really loves.  Great surfing}
Dave Krusen-drums}
19. Jeremy
{Ed praises Dave Krusen and says he is flashing back to being in a tiny basement and playing these songs with him.  He then tells the story of a sunny day that got a little dark with a guy shooting up in a third floor window and Ed not knowing which way the person would nod off.  Out the window or into the apartment}
20. Deep
21. State Of Love And Trust
22. Alive

Richard Stuverud-drums
23. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend)
24. Yellow Ledbetter
PJ - 11/306/121 - 96 Zürich - 00 RaR - 07 München - 10 Berlin - 12 Berlin² - 14 Amsterdam² Berlin - 18 Berlin - 22 Zürich - (24 Berlin 1)
EV - 1/27/27 - 19 Düsseldorf

Offline Rob Sweater

  • vaf | Yellow Ledbetter
  • *****
    • Beiträge: 852
    • Geschlecht:Männlich
Antwort #4 am: 17. Mai 2022 um 13:18
Also diese Setlist ist für mich ein absoluter Traum.  :o

Purple Rain brauche ich von Pearl Jam so gar nicht, war hoffentlich Eds Food Poisining geschuldet.

Ansonsten ist nur 1 Songs aus den 2000er schon sehr auf der Nostalgie-Welle schwimmend. Wehren würde ich mich gegen die Setlist aber auch nicht.