Earthlings Band
Chris Chaney-Bass
Glen Hansard-Guitars, Vocals
Josh Kliinghoffer-Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards
Abe Laboriel Jr.-Drums, Vocals
Andrew Watt-Guitars, Vocals
Walk On Music:
Ed onstage 8:29
Ed offstage 10:25
01. I’ll Be Waiting
02. Room At The Top-(Petty) (Ed stops the song for a minute to address issue in audience)
03. The Dark-(another stop for crowd safety)
04. Invincible
05. Long Way w/ Harper Vedder & Clementine (another stop for crowd safety) {while waiting for okay from security they quietly play Here Comes The Sun-(Harrison) for about 45 seconds. Then restart Long Way)
06. Brother The Cloud
07. Fallout Today
08. Wishlist/Waiting On A Friend-(Jagger/Richards) 41 seconds
09. The Haves
10. Not For You
11. Lukin
12. Try
13. Rose Of Jericho
14. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) 1:41
15. Isn’t It A Pity/Hey Jude-(Lennon, McCartney) 1:35 w/ Holly Laessig, Jess Wolf-from the band Lucius
16. Just Breathe (Dedicated to lost friend)
17. One-(U2 cover) duet with Glen Hansard
18. Precious-(Hynde)
19. Just Like Heaven-(Smith, Gallup, Thompson, Williams, Tolhurst) The Cure
20. Rocking In The Free World-(Young)